Livin' with the Devourers of Time

It’s been a rough couple of weeks the last little while. As some of you may have noticed (yes, all two or three of you ^_^), things haven’t been moving too swiftly on the art front. The last 3 weeks or so have been slammed with school projects that have...

New blogstuff

I’m moving house again as far as blog space. Things have gotten a bit blah over on LiveJournal, and I’m not being overly talkative over there anyhow. I’ll be using this for generic art blog type stuff. I’ll prolly end up cross-posting the stuff...

Catching back up…

Boy, I didn’t think things would get this behind. I had a great time out in SoCal, but I didn’t think that finals time would come upon me as soon after I got back as it did. I got back and pretty much had to launch into all the finals week prep...

Welcome to the new site…

Yes, it’s been a while since I’ve updated the look here, so I figured it was time. Still a few small things to finish up, but the site is all functional as it is, so it’s all good… Now to get some sleep… and to get back to Neverwonder...

Second star to the right and straight down.

It’s been a while since I’ve updated here, but here’s something new. It’s the latest project! This is a group shot for my new webcomic called Beyond Neverwonder. It’s kinda like an Alice in Wonderland meets Peter Pan type thing. But...


Here’s the latest. It’s some fan art based off a photo I took while down in San Diego. It’s Oni Link from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask. Enjoy! 🙂