New Artstuffs!

Well, it’s the first new artstuff since… well, it’s been a LONG time. Here are a few drawrings for the Sunsword story:     Those are on my deviantART site. As soon as I have more, I’ll post them on there. (And prolly leave a message here.) One...


The part that kept me from getting the AtomicFoxtail site done was the durned logo. Ever have a time when you have an idea but can’t get anything good to come of it? Yeah, that’s what this was. I had a bunch of different ideas when it came to setting up...

Adventures in Art: Sketches

It’s amazing to see how skills can deteriorate. I haven’t seriously drawn much of anything since the late 80s. Never really took any “art” classes in college. And most of you out there know what happened with my latest attempt to get back into...


Greetings all! Welcome to the opening of my AtomicFoxtail site. The first time around things kinda fell apart because of things in Kansas. Now that I’m in Chicago, things are going better and I’ve got time to play around with the projects that I wanted to...