So, this last week has been an interesting one.
San Diego Comic-Con
Last week I was able to actually make it to Comic-Con International: San Diego, or SDCC for the normal folks. It had been 4 years since my last trip to SDCC, so it was nice to be there for a change. I was only there for a day, but the short time I was there was good. Got a few good panels in and was able to do some decent exhibit hall trolling time in. When I go to cons, I try to find at least one new indie comic to pick up. This con’s was The Adventures of Aero-Girl by DeWayne Feenstra (writer), Axur Eneas (artist), Juan Pablo Riebeling (colorist) and Adam Wollet (letterer). You can learn more on their Kickstarter page. It’s a fun all-ages superhero story with a bit of a twist. I full recommend it to anyone that likes quirky superhero stuff.
After the con, I’ve also been pondering trying to find some places to exhibit and try to get some artstuff for sale. I’d love to get an Artists Alley table at SDCC, but I know that may be a tough thing to accomplish. But I’m looking into options and seeing if there’s a good place to get something like that going.
Foxtails, Inc. Launch
In other news, it’s taken a bit to get things in a good place, but I finally pushed forward and launched my new webcomic, Foxtails, Inc. I decided that I need to do this as a way to force myself to get things going. So I’m hoping that I can keep myself going and get one a week out. I’m really bad at falling into Slackerland, so I’m hoping to avoid that. I’m shooting for Tuesday release for Foxtails, Inc. pages
Beyond Neverwonder
I’m currently playing around with redrawing the beginning portions of the Neverwonder story and get them formatted for a print release. Whether or not that happens remains to be seen, but that’s where the current thought is. I’ll have more when I get closer to figuring that out.
A while back, I had some run-ins with silliness provided by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act… that durned DMCA. Someone out there claimed to have the copyright on a piece that I did like 20 years ago. When that happened, I suspended all the stuff I had for sale online. I think I’ve gotten past all that and I’ve begun to put some things back up on Society6. I’m waiting to see if someone silly tries to pull the same thing again with something else, but for now, I’m running cautiously. That said, you can see all the stuff that’s currently available on my Society6 page at Tees, mugs, clocks, phone cases, prints… there’s a wide variety of things. Check them out and buy something!
I think that’s all for now. Things are moving. Let’s keep them moving onward and upward! Thanks for reading!